Fennell, G. (1982). Terms v. Concepts: Market Segmentation, Brand Positioning and other aspects of the Academic-Practitioner Gap. Marketing theory: Philosophy of science perspectives, 97-102.

The “academic-practitioner gap” is a problem that marketers have kept at arm’s length by rhetoric and promises and neither substantive nor metatheoretical implications have been considered. In this paper, with regard to three topical domains — Market segmentation, Brand positioning, and Product versus Brand — differences in the concepts the terms designate in academic and practitioner usage are explored.

Fennell, G. (1980). The situation. Motivation and Emotion, 4(4), 299-322.

A formulation ofr the explanation of behavior is needed to guide the work of the applied psychologist whose first task is to explain behavior. It can also serve as a coordinating framework for the basic research that centers around each of psychology’s many constructs. This paper puts forward the notion that the appropriate framework reflects the intersection of numerous person and environment systems; in other words, that it is found in the structure of a situation.

Fennell, G. (1978). Consumers’ perceptions of the product. use situation. The Journal of Marketing, 38-47.

Marketing’s first law, “Don’t sell what you happen to make; make what the consumer wants to buy,” is implemented through the identification of consumer wants and the formulation of brand positionings to respond to these wants. In a competitive environment, this means, in particular, the identification of consumer wants that are not being addressed or adequately satisfied by the brands currently available.

Fennell, G. (1975). Motivation research revisited. Journal of Advertising Research, 15(3), 23-28.

For a number of years motivation as an explicit focus for marketing research has been neglected. In the business community “motivation research” has come to refer to a specific research approach, in spired by a particular theory of motivational dynamics (Dichter, 1960, 1964; Martineau, 1957). As the methodology and its theoretical underpinning fell out of favor, motivation research largely disappeared from the marketing researcher’s roster of research categories.